Customize your gift wrapping
Creative and individual gift wrapping without buying countless rolls of wrapping paper? Or do you need a gift wrap at the last minute? Katja Reiter (@katja.visualisiert) shows you how to make wonderful gift wrapping from simple wrapping paper and kraft paper bags.
You will need these materials:
Wrapping paper:
- brown paper bag or wrapping paper
Watercolor Stars:
- MONO twin Marker
- ABT Dual Brush Pens in the colors 847 / 925 / 055
- Waterbrush
- Blending pallet
- MONO graph mechanical pencil
- MONO dustCATCH eraser
- MONO aqua liquid glue
- Aquarell paper pad
- Black clay cardboard (for the star stencils)
- Scissor
Gift tag:
- MONO twin Marker
- Optional: Geschenkanhänger-Stanze oder Papier und Schere
- Parcel string
- Star paper clip
- Possibly decoration like fir branch
Gift boxes with simple design:
- MONO twin Marker
You still need some of it?
Step 1: Star template
For my creative gift wrap, first cut out two stars in two sizes from the clay paper. These are your template.
Arrange the stars on your paper bag so that you like it. Then use the MONO graph mechanical pencil to draw the shape on the bag and cut it out.

Step 2: Backgrounds
Pick up the watercolor paper. I particularly like using Tombow watercolor paper because it's so nice and smooth and I can work wonderfully on it with both pens and brushes without pen tips suffering under the paper. Transfer your star templates back onto the paper. Make sure you position the star with the correct corner facing up (as on the paper bag). Draw a generous circle around each star and then cut it out.
Use the fine tip of the MONO twin marker to draw a lovely message in the larger star. I have used "for you" here. In the smaller star, draw a small candle. Make sure you stay within the shapes. Then erase all pencil lines with the MONO dustCATCH eraser.
Step 3: Watercolor background
This step now reveals the great advantage of the MONO twin marker. Now when you go over the black lines with water, nothing will smear. I love this pen especially for that.
But first you add some color by broad strokes of the ABT Dual Brush Pens number 847 / 925 / 055 on the mixing palette of Tombow. If you don't have this at home, you can also use a basting foil. Take up the paint with the water tank brush and paint the candle first. With the 055 you can simulate a great candlelight. Try it out right away! In the second step, color in the large circle with the lettering as you like. By working quickly, you can blend the three colors together nicely.
Step 4: Stick in
After everything has dried well, which is very fast with Tombow watercolor paper, place the circles in the bag. The cutout stars act as windows here. By lifting the small corners of the stars, apply a little MONO aqua liquid glue to each of the cutout circles to hold them in place on the bag. The thin tip allows you to dispense the glue very well.
Step 5: Details & Decoration
To increase the contrast, outline the stars on the bag with the MONO twin marker. The wide side of the pen is suitable for this.
Optionally, you can add a gift tag with lettering. I used a punch to make the shape of the gift tag. However, you can also simply cut it out. Just use the MONO twin marker for the lettering. Make a tag out of some parcel string.
Now fill the gift bag with the gift for your loved ones and close everything with a pretty clip. Attach the gift tag to it and other decorations, such as fir branches, as desired.
With this and other creative ideas, the eyes of your loved ones will light up not only when opening the Christmas gift, but already as soon as they hold the beautiful packaging in their hands.
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